5 ways to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle

Losing weight can be the hardest, most frustrating thing a person can try to overcome in life.  It feels like we have a constant reminder everywhere we turn. I get it I have been in your shoes. 

I gained over 150 lbs after having my 4 children and dealing with my depression. I did all the fab diets. I could never stick with it. I was bored of the food, starving, not losing and don’t get me started on doing cardio…. Yuck!!!!

Then one day I just had enough. I had to figure out what was going to work for me and be realistic for my lifestyle.  I have done the research and the process for you. I am here to tell you with these simple changes it can happen for you too. 

  • How I lost 150 lbs. and kept it off

  • You don’t have to eat like a bunny

  • Exercise doesn’t have to suck

  • Learning to forgive yourself 

  • How supplements can help

  • Rest days

If you are struggling to lose weight, no diet seems to work, constantly feeling hungry, and hate yourself for it. You are in the right place! All of that is about to change. 

How I lost 150lbs and kept it off

My weight gain didn’t happen overnight but expanded over having children for 7 years but honestly weight has always been an issue for me ever since puberty.  I hated every diet I tried! I was always hungry and spent hours trying to be on the treadmill, nothing ever seemed to work. I hated myself and my body. I knew I had to figure this out. So, I started researching, I wanted to know how the body works, what are the benefits of cardio, strength training, and Nutrition. 

I realized that I didn’t have to spend all my time on cardio or even do cardio if I didn’t want too. I HATE IT!! But only doing it for 15 minutes and then moving to strength training I could work harder. Nutrition doesn’t mean starving, living on salad. I started learning what my body needed and the proper fuel for my body to lose weight. 

You don’t have to eat like a bunny

Ok I know this is hard to hear but YOU NEED TO EAT. Yes, salad is good but you need protein, gains, and CARBS, not just fruits and vegetables. Protein is one of the most important facts to losing weight and building muscle. Protein gives your body energy to burn that stubborn fat that is clingy to us. It helps you stay full longer and can help reduce body weight and fat mass. Carbs are an essential part providing nutrients and filling you up on fewer calories.  Plus, your brain needs carbs to function properly. I am a big believe that carbs are not our enemy but more like frenemies. We can enjoy our time with them, we just need to watch them closing,

My favorite thing I learned was…. Everything is fine in moderation. You want that brownie, eat it. The key is setting boundaries for yourself. Eat the brownie but only one. Everything is about cutting what your normal intake is and cutting it. You don’t have to go straight to a shocking state where you're starving. You can get strict chicken, veggies, and rice or you can eat one slice of pizza with a side salad instead of 3 slices and have yogurt with a banana later in the evening. Drinking enough water is key as well. Not only can it help you stay full, but your body needs more than we usually give it with our busy lives. At the end of the day changing how your eating can help you lose weight, making small changes in your diet can help you lose weight.

Exercise doesn’t have to suck

Whether you prefer cardio, weight training, or going on walks, it is possible to lose weight. The key is finding what your normal is and pushing yourself a little more. If you don’t workout at all and have a stationary job, start with a walk and see how far you can go then in a week or two push to go further and keep pushing once you need more of a change. If you job has you moving a lot, go for a run, gym with a cardio machine, or if you are like me then try weights. I know they can be scary and daunting, but I promise they won’t bite. 

The secret is finding what your body is accustomed to and pushing through it. The problem most of us have with diets and working out, is we go to 0 - 100 and expect fast results without a burn out. It all about make small changes to add up to big results.

I have a secret too. I know the gym can be scary and you can feel judged but everyone at the gym is worried about themselves, how they look, their body and we all started somewhere. Whether you workout at home or gym there is no answer but if you want to lose weight you have to push yourself more than YOUR body is used to. 

How supplements can help

Depending on our weight or age our metabolism can slows down. Metabolism helps process our food and turn food into energy.  Having supplements can help our body with a little boost. There are a lot of supplements out there. It is important to figure out what supplements your body needs. 

There are muscle building, energy boost, and fat burners, appetite suppressants. I personally use all of these that I listed but I could go on and on with supplements, but I do believe they play a key factor for me with pushing myself and boosting my weight loss. 

If you are looking for a supplement that can help boost your weight loss journey. Hundreds of people are raving about their results. Try it out yours & don’t miss this opportunity.  Click here

Learning to forgive yourself

Forgive yourself!! If you fall off the wagon. Whether it's a night, a day, or a week it is ok we all have but the difference is not to give up, just brush yourself off and climb back on. Don’t let a bad day stop you from continuing. You are in the long game which is a healthier lifestyle not a mini game. 

A good tip, I like to use is not to keep the snacks you like to binge on in the house but keep healthier choices. You would have to work harder for those yummy binge worthy treats.

Another thing I want to stress is if you are hungry either at home or out, eat it is worse for your body to starve than to eat a hamburger from a chain fast food choice but pick wisely and know that you are hungry not craving. 

Rest Days. 

 Yes!! Take a rest. No matter what schedule you decide, make sure on rest days you do something light.  Whether it's yoga, a walk, or swimming depending on what your normal is, take something easy but still get your body moving.  

A bonus I wanted to talk about is reward yourself and if you struggle with food moderation, try rewarding yourself with new clothes, a book, or that new necklace you’ve had your eye on. Rewards can be something you enjoy that doesn’t have to be food. This will train your brain to stop binge food that hinder your weight loss. Keep in mind from what we previously talked about, if you do have a binge session, forgive yourself. 

I know this journey is scary but ask yourself this….. What if by making these small changes is what finally works, you are successful, and you are happier.  I want that for you too!
You can’t have risk without reward. 
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6 ways to eat healthier without dieting.